wELcome to My little space......

Always try to find happiness in my life...

Capture every single story in my life journey................


Saturday, July 14, 2012

PRAISE the lord!

Finally,i have a clear direction,to walk in a clear pathway,
Thakgod for giving me a chance to full-fill my childhood ambition
Your great love is so real........really experienced it,no matter how tough the journey waiting ahead,
never forget our god is a great god,
a god that never forsake us,and he listens to prayers....and it's just a matter of time when he wants to grant your wish..or maybe he has a better plan for you..if your prayers are not being answered..
Have faith that nothing is impossible with HIM....
As the bible says,
Matthew 19:26With God all things are possible.”
Mark 11:24Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you.”
Mark 10:27Looking upon them, Jesus said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.’

And also,other than god,
i really feel so gratitude towards a special friend of mine..
at this moment,i started to review a special one that accompany me spiritually all way long during the past 2 and half years there..
thankyou for motivate me,especially when many a times my mood swings ups and downs,
i really wanna share my happiness with you.
Hopefully,you able to read this post..
just wanna tell u,
i've finally made it....
what you have believed...i manage to make it real....
you too can make it!pursue your dreams and make it real!
through the ONE that gives you strength........
i will never stop praying for you.....
hoping that you able to grow in his words........
Dun ever try to gv up hopes and dun get too far from HIM
I believe soon this special gift will be yours.

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