wELcome to My little space......

Always try to find happiness in my life...

Capture every single story in my life journey................


Sunday, December 23, 2012

what did you get for your christmas gift?

he asked....
without a second thought,
i answered,i have got JESuS...
the best christmas gift i ever received.
Indeed,tis chtistmas is the most meaningful christmas for me...
i feel like my relationship wth jesus is getting closer...
truly amazing...
everytime,when my mood was down...a melody juz suddenly appear in my heart...
it goes tis way..
'little by little everyday
little by little every way
my jesus he lives in me.'..
tis song juz simply tickling my heart and i smile:)
thankyou jesus for not forsake me and i pray for ur present in every single moment of my life,amen

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